Was ist chicago style pizza?

Chicago-style pizza, also known as deep-dish pizza, is a style of pizza that originated in Chicago, Illinois. It is known for its thick crust that forms a deep dish, with toppings and cheese layered on top.

Some key features of Chicago-style pizza include a thicker and crunchier crust compared to traditional thin-crust pizzas, as well as the order of ingredients being reversed with cheese placed on the bottom and toppings on top. The pizza is typically baked in a round, deep pan that gives it its distinctive shape.

Popular toppings for Chicago-style pizza include sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers. The pizza is often served in slices due to its thick and filling nature.

There are two main styles of Chicago-style pizza: deep-dish and stuffed. Deep-dish pizza features a thick crust with a generous amount of toppings, while stuffed pizza has an additional layer of dough on top of the toppings and cheese.

Chicago-style pizza has become iconic in the city of Chicago and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. Many pizzerias in Chicago and around the country specialize in serving this unique style of pizza.